What is this blog about ?

This is a blog to create awarness about the society which we see daily but dont observe the grave mistakes in it.This helps us to make a difference to the society and be a part of change ...

February 12, 2008

Climate Climate Climate !!!

Hope everyone would have heard of these words -- "Climate change" , "Save Earth" , and would have observed many environmentalists buzzing around in Tv channels, newspapers columns these days with protectionist verses.....what is all this about....please get the true picture below :
Mother earth is the planet we are all living in. Our mother earth consists of land, water,forests,ice in form of glaciers , atm gases , mountains etc. analogous to the parts of body such as kidneys, lungs , heart...But today we have its (earth's) lungs tearing apart, heart malfuncitioning ,blood oozing out from all over the body in the form of problems like Global warming, depletion of ozone layer, deforestation.Gone are those days where its still not known whether all these are really happening.It is now sure ,our mother is now ensnared in all these problems...(unfortunately we cannot have an medical insurance). How can we say that its tru now ???
The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.80°C during the 100 years ending in 2005 and global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C in 21st century.
Seven of the warmest of years of 20th century occured in the 1990's with 1998 being the hottest. Non polar glaciers are receting and records show the arctic ice pack has lost aobut 40% of its thickness over past four decades Sea levels have risen 15-20 cms in last 100 yrs We experience more extreme weathers and all the loses may be irrereversible

Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events.Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.

Every year summers become more and more hot and "savouring nice evenings" will be the thing of past , "Today the weather is sexy" will be a popular cliche ! Causes : Fossil fuel production Propellents in sprays like deo's Fluids for filling fridges and any devices that chill Cattle raising(Cattle emit methane , etc) Vehicular emissions

Few simple things which we can effort to do...and have to do
Usage of CFL's (compact flouroscent lamps) instead of normal tubes/bulbs
Save electricity by switching off lights/fans/ac's when not in USE
Spread out this awareness in our kith/kin

Things which can be done more , but which we CANT effort are :::
Reduce the usage of Cars / bikes, instead use Public transport
Avoid the excessive usage of sprays / deo's

Note : The above few things may seem to be very small to shed our part, but do remember - drops of water make oceans.....so please do ACT !!!